

My Art




Azadeh Dadgar is an Iranian artist based in Brisbane Australia, who is interminably inspired by the
interactions of the world within her meeting the world without. She enjoys painting with expressive
brushstrokes that mimic the layers of color arranged in the deep nature and historic architecture
around her. The goal: To render these surroundings such that (e)motion is generated both in the
paintings themselves and with the audience. Originally from Isfahan, Azadeh, and her family
immigrated to Australia in 2018. She integrates the disparate settings of her daily experience by
harnessing the light/dark aspects of her observations and emitting them into vibrant shades of
color/contrast. Azadeh hopes to forge a connection with her audience by transporting them to beauty
and wonder wherever her artwork resides

Azadeh has showcased all across Brisbane over the past five years. Her favorite way to contribute and
participate in the community is through artist creation, including live paintings for fundraisers, teaching classes on painting and drawing for
children in grades K-12 at art camps, and teaching virtually from her studio during the pandemic.
Azadeh also enjoys bringing people’s vision to life through custom paintings, as well as her
collections presented at special events or in business establishments throughout Brisbane. Azadeh
dreams of her work’s continued maturation, and that it manifests into the vehicle by which she and
others grow commune.

The Team
A painting is a unique form of transportation. It can take you to a past experience, person, or place. It helps you envision what is possible. My goal is to create work that enhances your home or work environment, filling your space with light, color, and movement.

I have worked hard to earn signature memberships and awards in many societies and art shows. Art is the way I communicate my love for the world, the beauty in things that are odd and vintage, and my gratitude for the legacy of the golden age artists. Please put a smile on MY heart and join me on this journey.

My Process
My process begins with play; intuition guides me. Light, line, color and movement are the components that I integrate into each piece. I work until the piece starts talking back, letting me know what it needs. Would the insertion of a new color, line or a shape enhance or detract? A bold mark? Is there something that needs to be altered or removed to strengthen the painting? I wrestle with these questions until I’m satisfied. Then comes the refinement, when I work carefully to ‘clean up’ the work without stripping it of its energy. Every painting goes through its own unique journey


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.